We start our day in the East Bay with lunch at Burma Superstar.
James collects chopsticks.
Newlyweds Heidi and John
Afterwards we visited Colby Park, a little park near our old apartment in Rockridge. The twins were thrilled that there were lots of toys and sand toys laying around to play with. Hoping the twins would nap, we then took them on a long walk in the stroller down College Avenue all the way to Broadway, but there were no takers.
Julia at Colby Park
We planned to ride the Tilden Park steam trains but we ran out of time since James spotted the Rockridge BART escalators. They rode them six times, each time with James dragging me by the hand to start another trip. James was so excited and he narrated the action each time: "Moving! Moving! Escalator moving! Up!" I can't imagine the steam trains beating that. The fun was capped with Daddy running up the down escalator and down the up one. The twins were delighted.
James saw the BART escalators and wanted to ride them again and again and again.
Daddy and Julia again share the same expression.
"Yes! Daddy and Julia made it to the top!"
James drags Mommy onto the escalator.
Next we stopped at Tara’s for ice cream. We sat outside and James loved running up for bites but strangely Julia was uninterested.
We decided to walk to Elmwood, a half mile away, with the babies out of the stroller. It was slow going. Our final stop was at Shen Hua for dinner. Unfortunately with no naps they weren’t in the best of moods at the restaurant. Not surprisingly they fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Julia and James help Daddy push the stroller to Elmwood.
Some are happier to eat at Shen Hua than others.
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