(See Part I and Part II.)
Bright Beginnings Preschool and Mountain View Parent Observation Preschool Parties
The first event is a Halloween party at Bright Beginnings Preschool, which as I mentioned is over a week before Halloween. They also dress in costume at their other preschool, Mountain View Parent Observation,
on Halloween. At Bright Beginnings the kids put on costumes and troop
through the adjacent adult education offices where the staff gives out
little toys. Adorably, James keeps coming over to ask, “Pet me.”
Julia shows off her puppy dog ensemble at preschool.
James is a casual puppy dog.
Julia is not so sure she wants a puppy dog hug.
Beginnings Preschool Halloween line-up. Julia wouldn't let me get away
so I hoped the parents could crop me out. Top row: Arjen, Pari, Lilly,
Ivania, Samuel, James, and Julia. Bottom row: Ivan with brother Wyatt,
Elania, Christophe, Shinvanjali, and Koki.
Mommy with her clingy puppy dogs at Mountain View Parent Observation Preschool.
Puppy dogs on Gaga’s lap during circle time
Leaf fight!
is Googleween. We make the brave decision to have them skip their naps
to attend. That means that when the shuttle bus arrives they are not in
the best frame of mind, and they are terrified to board. We end up
driving to a lot near Googleween instead and taking a long walk.
Julia gets her ears out of her eyes so she can see on the long walk to Googleween.
admires Julia’s costume, and I ask “Oh, you can tell what she is?”
“Sure,” says the woman, “a polka dot girl.” Right. Because that’s a
itself is pretty disappointing with long lines to do any of the
activities. And my kids are too fearful of things like petting zoos
When Julia no longer wants to wear her ears (complete with bow), Daddy steps in.
Inspecting their Googleween trick-or-treat bags
best part of Googleween: the walk back to the car. (Seriously. I'm not
sure if it was because Googleween was crowded and unenjoyable or because
the walk back was so fun.)
The twins play a game of Who can touch Daddy’s hand?
Mark’s Google Halloween Costume
dresses up for Halloween at Google as a new employee badge. Apparently
if you work at Google this is hilarious. For the rest of us, we shrug
our shoulders and go, “okaaaaay...” Also, everyone who knows Mark is
shocked that he is going to any effort on a Halloween costume for the
first time ever. He ends up winning his team’s costume contest. Not to
take away from Mark’s win but it helped that there were only a handful
of half-hearted entries, many of which consisted of a wig or a mask and
nothing else. He wins a Nexus 7 Tablet for his efforts.
Mark the New Employee Badge
MNO Playgroup Halloween Party
Next up is our playgroup’s Halloween party hosted again by Stacy (here’s last year’s). She provides vegan doughnuts,
purchased at the Ferry Building during a moms’ day out excursion the
day before in San Francisco. The kids decorate Halloween coloring book
pages with stickers and rubber stamps, play with bat necklaces and bat
rings, and run around in the backyard. (Thanks Stacy for most of the
one on the agenda: Get a group picture before any kids can take off
their costumes! Julia wouldn’t let me leave her side so the moms (sans
Stacy) got to join this year’s picture.
Ronan the race car driver
Hmmm... wonder whose hand Julia could be holding.
Best picture taken this year of my kids in costume
Oliver with Rachel
eyes Ronan suspiciously as he eats his doughnut. Maybe she thinks he’s
going to make a grab for her doughnut, which is totally within the realm
of possibility given that he ate her cupcake at her second birthday, and considered eating her cupcake at her third.

My sweet boy
mines her art history background to give Ronan advice in choosing
crayons for embellishing his Halloween coloring book page.
James shows off his bat rings.
Ronan is a tiger. Rrrrrowwwrrrrrr!
Julia tries to see how many bat rings will fit on her finger.
James makes baskets from the play structure.
Julia climbs on Mommy.
Oliver the zookeeper smiles at the hordes of cameras.
Puppy dogs on the play structure
Next time: Part IV: Trick-or-Treating