Here is Part X: Lists of Favorites and Least Favorites
Kids They Most Frequently Play with
from Mom’s Night Out playgroup:
Oliver (mom: Rachel P.)
Ronan (mom: Stacy)
Josh & Sam (mom: Debbie)
Zoe & Zachary (mom: Sharon)
Josh and Sam attack me. |
Julia and Zoe are twins in their matching jackets. |
The Z's and the J's: Zoe, Zachary, James, and Julia |
from Las Madres:
David (mom: Jadwiga)
Isaac (dad: Todd)
Maya (mom: Arnita)
Kayleigh (mom: Vicky W.)
Words They Say the Most
Gaga (Grandma)
Red Hat
Dewey/Dew-ya (how James says “Julia”)
Bye Bye
Baseball Shirt
Funny Words
“Die-ya” (“Julia;” said by Julia)
“Hire fuck” (Fire truck; said by James)
“Genko ball” (Jingle Bells; said by Julia)
“Da da da da” (said Julia to indicate to us to sing the theme song to Bonanza)
“Monkey teeth” (Macaroni and cheese; said by both)
“Gaga T” (Gaga’s chair; said by Julia)
“Gay pig” (Guinea pig; said by Julia)
“Tempa-too” (Tupperware; said by both)
“Make-uh” (Music; said by both)
“Nigh-ya” (Yellow; said by Julia)
“Yeh-wee” (Yellow; said by James)
“Thirteen” said by Julia which sounds like “fourteen” (sounds like she counts 11, 12, 14, 14, 15)
Surprised They Know
“Holy Moley” (said by James; taught by Papa)
“Christmas tree pot” (James)
Hose (James, describing black tubing)
Ostrich (james)
Dreidel (James)
Oven mitt (James)
Camel (Julia)
Lost (James, referring to “lost your hat”)
Raccoon (Julia)
Matzoh ball (James)
Sequin (James)
Guitar (James?)
Hexagon (James)
“Holy mackerel!” (James, learned from Papa, used when looking at page full of fish in Hooray for Fish)
Hideout (James, learned from Bubby)
Rocket (James)
Okapi (Julia, learned from me, surprised Mark)
Sour cream (James)
Spit (James)
Pineapple (Julia recognizing an uncut pineapple)
Smiley face (Julia)
Gefilte fish (James)
Sizzle (James, handing me pretend sausage patty in a pan)
New Animal Sounds (See video of some of their animal sounds.)
Dolphin (high pitched rapid fire “e-e-e-e-e-e-e!”
Seal (hit arms together and bark)
Guinea pig (“nibble nibble”)
Crab (“snap snap” and use crab hands)
Goose (“honk honk”)
Hyena (“hee hee hee”)
New Foods Tried for the First Time
Salsa (they lick off chip; James likes, Julia doesn’t)
Raita (both like at Tandoori Oven)
Chicken burrito (both like, especially Julia)
Hamentaschen (eat at Stacy’s)
Barbecue sauce (both want more with chicken)
Beef short ribs (Julia likes)
Dried mandarin oranges (they love)
Ants on a log (celery too big)
Turkey/pesto roll-up (a hit but too big, held together with a celery stick)
Kadoo (James almost finishes off my “pumpkin yogurt” at an Afghani restaurant by himself)
Cottage cheese (at Google: Julia makes a face but James likes)
Tucking in Julia 1/29
-wants to put away toothbrushes (walks to bathroom)
-ignores 3 songs I sing in nursery to calm them
-walks to her room
-decides she wants to go to nursery (James’s room)
-I distract her by telling her to put Bunny in crib
-she throws Bunny in crib
-tries to climb in crib (which she has never been able to do)
-gives up climbing in and says “Mommy” and I sing 4 songs to her, ending with Happy Birthday (I used to only sing one song and she’d immediately flip over and ask for another; then I’d say “last one” and she’d flip and ask for another. Then I would ask what she did at the park - to distract her - but she wised up and it no longer worked and now she requires 4 songs instead of 1)
-Julia in bed with 2 blankets and 4 books
-and now James wants 4 songs when i tuck him in!
Sleep Protocol 3/29
-Brush teeth; Julia accompanies me to put away toothbrushes
-Diaper changes
-Read one book with them on my lap
-Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (played on Learning Home at same time), The Alphabet Song (ABCD) (played on Learning Home), and Baa Baa Black Sheep
-James kisses Mommy, Daddy, and Julia (which is the funniest)
-Pick up James and sing Twinkle Twinkle, ABCD (both again with Learning Home playing), Baa Baa Black Sheep, and this time a new one - Happy Birthday (“to Ronan” who had his birthday in January)
-James in crib with 4 books, toy sandwiches and other toys, blankie, Doggy, and 2 blankets
-Walk with Julia to her room
-Count to 12 as she runs down hall past her room and she returns when I get to 12 (for awhile she used to lie on the ground for part of the counting or run to the side of her crib for me to catch her)
-She unsuccessfully tries to climb in her crib for a few seconds while I count
-Pick up Julia and sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABCD, Baa Baa Black Sheep, and Happy Birthday (“to Julia, not Ronan”) and Twinkle again to Bunny
-Julia in crib with 4 books, blankie, Bunny, and 2 blankets
Schedule 3/21
8:30 a.m. wake up
9:00-10:00 a.m. breakfast (meals are 45 minutes; 15 minutes for cleaning after)
11:00 a.m. run to park (kids in stroller)
12:30-1:30 p.m. lunch
2:00 p.m. nap (2+ hours)
4:15 p.m. 1st waker (Julia)
5:00 p.m. 2nd waker (James)
5:20 p.m. snack
7:00-8:00 p.m. dinner
8:45 p.m. sleep (want it to be 8:30 p.m. but if we eat out it’s 9:00 p.m.)
That’s all folks!