Easter was a multi-day event this year. First was the Las Madres Easter party. I prepped the twins the day before by hiding eggs in the house. They couldn’t get enough and made me hide them again and again, and then James volunteered to hide eggs. Overestimating his abilities, I left the room with Julia, only to return to discover all the eggs right where I’d left them. Watching the twins find eggs was a lot more fun compared to last year when eggs were “hidden” directly in front of them and we still had to instruct them to actually pick up the eggs.
The Las Madres party ended up on a really rainy day so we all stayed inside. The toddlers were all given baskets filled with eggs and a few eggs were also hidden around Vicky L.’s house. There were some crafts as well; Julia liked wearing the bunny hat she created.
Isaac arrives in the rain.
David, Araya, Julia, James, Amelia, and Sophie get their Easter baskets.
Julia makes a bunny hat and then wears it in an um... creative way.
Sophie, Amelia, Kayleigh, sad Isaac, David, Julia, James, and Araya
Time to eat feet!
Sophie wants in on the fun...
Julia sneers at guests as they leave. "Come back soon. NOT!"
Next was Easter itself. I hid eggs in our backyard and Mark and my parents watched the twins happily run around gathering them. For some twisted reason I put a yellow egg next to two decaying lemons to see what would happen, but there were no takers for rotten fruit. Julia enjoyed emptying her basket of Easter grass.
The twins race for the same egg.
James found something for his basket that's a bit bigger than an egg.
“Even better than chocolate eggs!”
Afterwards we took a family picture underneath our flowering tree and all went to Su Hong. (Whenever Julia sees the picture she announces, “Take two cars!” because Papa and Gaga drove separately and joined us at the restaurant.)
Easter family portrait
The next day Stacy hosted a Mom’s Night Out Easter Egg Hunt playdate. The kids ran around her backyard in search of eggs. First the toddlers hunted (James, Julia, Ronan, Oliver, twins Josh and Sam, and Jack) and then the “big kids” (Stacy’s son Asher and Debbie’s daughter Lilly). Jen’s infant son Spencer tried to crawl in the grass to claim a few eggs. And then there were crafts and the eating of chocolate.
Ronan plunders the treat dish.
"Do I really have to sit here with all these BOYS?"
“Big kids” Asher and Lilly (taken by Stacy)
Ronan stops mid-hunt to wolf down some chocolate.
Julia climbs the play structure and goes down the slide, all the while clutching her Easter egg basket.
James and Sam work together to push a pop mower down the slide while Josh plays foreman.
Oliver channels Marvin the Martian.
Sam holds a bat to defend his basket of candy.
(both pictures taken by Stacy)
I think it’s safe to say Lilly had taken a crack at the candy by this point (taken by Stacy)
The playdate ended with an awkward hug between Julia and her beau Ronan. Is it the beginning of the end? (last three photos taken by Stacy)
That afternoon the twins were still clamoring for more egg hunting (which I understood since I used to LOVE looking for eggs when I was little and especially liked it when my dad would hide them in super hard locations). Plus they were still wearing their Easter outfits so I figured why not have them troop around the backyard for some bonus Easter pictures. I ended up hiding eggs in the backyard three times that afternoon! They watched excitedly from the sliding door so I had to hide the eggs in parts of the yard they couldn’t see.
Mission accomplished. Time for bristle blocks.
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