Bubby meets James
Bubby meets Julia
Julia cracks up
Not only did she bring a suitcase of cookies, she made elaborate meals every night, and she cleaned and cleaned. She even attacked the "murder tub." (So we have a bathtub that's so dirty it looks like we murdered someone in there... who doesn't?)
Our tub?
What else happened this month? The twins had their first baths in their whale tub. Mark started looking up burping videos on You Tube, and his proficiency at burping prompted us to call him The Burp Whisperer. We celebrated Christmas Eve at Lila and Brendan's place - our first time leaving the twins to go out. All month I kept waking up thinking I was holding a baby or that a baby was in the blankets next to me. (I still do this. Is this normal?)
Julia after her first bath
Then my parents returned and joined us, along with my brother Michael, on Mark's mom's last day with us and we all celebrated Christmas together on New Year's Day.
. The Bigfoot shirt probably adds to the mystery.
My dad welcomed Mark's mom to the family by doing one of his notoriously nutty wrapping jobs on her gift (wrapped 16 times with decoy empty containers, and treasure hunt-like clues to help her find her real gift).
These were left over from a gift from my dad in 2008.
12/07/09 (birth)
James - 5 lbs., 9 oz.
Julia - 4 lbs., 9 oz.
1/07/10 (1 month)
James - 7 lbs., 2.9 oz.
Julia 6 lbs., 4.4 oz.
The babies are looking great!!!