Yogurt, sweet potato, peaches, apples
Soft things (e.g. changing pad cover; books with soft, furry parts; stringy tail from Tails)
Making raspberry sounds
Making noises like a dying cat
"Who's that other baby?" (11 months)
Two of Julia's favorite things: bubbles and clapping. (11 months)
Caterpillar circle toy
Stand up caterpillar music toy
Keys that light up
Cell phone toy
Julia finds it hard to contain her enthusiasm for Pink Bunny. (10 1/2 months)
It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles but that's fine for Julia who likes to spend her days chomping on her caterpillar circle toy. (10 1/2 months)
Bubby spots Julia while she plays with her musical caterpillar. ($4 at a garage sale!) (10 1/2 months)
Guess Who Farm Friends
Where Is Baby's Belly Button?
Noisy Peekaboo!
Patty Cake
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Julia teaches Uncle Michael how to play Patty Cake. (12 1/2 months)
Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing (from The Tiki Room at Disneyland) (main song at sleepytime)
In the Tiki Room (alternate song for sleepytime)
"Julia" to the tune of Cecilia
"Julia, She's a Good Baby" to the Bewitched theme
Ya Got Trouble ("It starts with a "J" and ends with an "A" and rhymes with Drool-ya") (sung by Mommy and Grandma)
Happy Talk (sung by Grandma with hand motions)
This Old Man (sung by Grandma, Papa, and Bubby)
Thank Heaven for Little Girls (sung by Papa)
Green foods
Bumbo seat (tries to escape while I feed her in Bumbo) (see link to video)
Tummy Time (or as Julia thinks of it, Tummy Torture)
James, the toy bully, taking her toys
Putting her arms through clothing
Big spoonfuls of food
Julia's not a big fan of Tummy Time. (6 1/2 months)
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