I should say first that the decision to choose to do a screening was a hard one. I'll be 35 when I have the twins and the risk of a singleton having Down's is 1 in 200. (If you're 45, the risk rises to 1 in 25.) If you want screening so you know the likelihood your baby will turn out healthy, you have two options. One's an amniocentesis and the other is basically a blood screening (with the option to have the Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound). Before you start nodding off reading this, I'll cut to the chase. While more accurate, the amnio has a chance of 1 in 200 in causing a miscarriage, and because of that the amnio wasn't the right decision for me.
So that left the blood screening. Kaiser sends all its 35+ moms to a Genetics class that goes over the screening options. Going into the class I was pretty sure I wanted to do the blood screening, but then I learned that I would receive a positive result on a screening if there was even a 1 in 100 chance of a disorder. So even with a positive result the babies would still probably be healthy, but with a 16% rate of getting a positive result for twins, I worried that a positive result would torment me throughout the pregnancy. A friend of mine found out his daughter had a 1 in 10 chance of having Down's during his wife's pregnancy, and it was a very stressful time for them. (Thankfully his daughter was born healthy.)
So I had the ultrasound and while the technician was in the other room with the doctor going over the results, I got a call from my old friend Justin and revealed I was pregnant. ("How are you doing?" "Well, I'm getting an ultrasound on my twins right now...")
The technician came back with my results from the ultrasound and an earlier blood test and said that all the tests were negative and that the babies looked healthy. I was so relieved I started bawling. I had been really, really nervous. The odds of one of the babies having Down's Syndrome is now 1 in 3,600 and 1 in 86,000 for Trisomy 18 (the other chromosomal disorder which is much rarer). I still have a second blood test later this month so I'm not totally out of the clear. (That 1 in 3,600 is still a little scary but much, much less scary than 1 in 200.)
I cried again when I called Mark and told him, and a few hours later I thought it was out of my system and safe to tell my co-worker, Bing, but then I started crying again. When I was a kid I would ask my mom if she wanted a boy or a girl when she was pregnant with me. She would say, "It didn't matter to me - I just wanted a healthy baby." I thought it was a lame answer back then, but now I totally understand.
Okay, no more long sappy posts for awhile.
wow- I had no idea you were so nervous. I'm happy you got such a good result. I can't imagine how hard it would have been to get a result like your friends and worry the rest of the time....yay healthy babies!!! but I still want to know the genders so badly.
ReplyDeleteI just saw your timeline. How did you find out you were having twins only 10 days after finding out you were pregnant? My first ultrasound was a few weeks after my positive HPT. Does Kaiser see you as soon as you are pregnant? My OB doesn't schedule an ultrasound until you are 8 weeks, although I got to have an early one this time because of spotting.
ReplyDeleteKelsi (kmp), I want to know the genders, too! I was at the mall today and starting sneaking a peek at baby clothes but didn't know which sex to look at. I hear some people find out at 16 weeks. I find out at 20!
ReplyDeleteHey, childEngineer. How did you find my blog? Are you from LiveJournal?
ReplyDeleteSince I was going to a Kaiser fertility clinic (they prescribed the drug that helped me get pregnant and gave me an 8% chance of having twins), I went there for all my checkups my first trimester.
They do an ultrasound 10 days after a positive pregnancy blood test. I actually had 4 ultrasounds before my first appointment at the beginning of my second trimester with my OB/gyn. (Sorry to tell you this but the ultrasounds with the fertility clinic were much MUCH clearer than the OB/gyn ones. You're not with Kaiser though so you probably have decent machines.)
Poor mama! I'm so glad you got some relief from your anxiety. Your babies are gonna be strong and HEALTHY and they will have great parents!!
ReplyDeleteAww... thanks, Kate!!! You're so sweet!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad everything's okay!!
ReplyDeleteKathy, you should chat up Jen we had a lot of similar tests done. I had tears at several points, and I was just the husband.
ReplyDeleteOf course I still get teary at regular doctor's visits with the kids...
Aw, Jason... How sweet!
ReplyDeleteDitto to what Jason's post. All these tests and options actually make it a whole lot more stressful. But better to have them than to not.
ReplyDeleteWe had some drama getting our Nuchal Translucency test. I remember yelling at the scheduler. Unfortunately parenthood involves a lot of worrying. It gets easier (a little) once they're on the outside. And it's totally offset by just how much they love you and you love them.
Bryan, I agree that it's better than to have the tests than not to. Ever since I got my results I have been much calmer about what could go wrong. I was really fixated on the chromosomal disorders but of course there's a lot of complications hurdles left, especially with multiples. But there's nothing I can really do but feed them well so I've been doing that. :)